Autumn Vibes

Autumn 2016

It’s that time of year again when the season starts to change. With the new school year in full swing, cooler days, and the excitement of Halloween and Bonfire Night on the horizon, it’s time to pack away our summer clothes and sun cream for another year, and embrace the autumn vibe!

What better way to get set for the start of the new season than with a brand new oilcloth to freshen up your home in an instant!

Autumn oilcloths

In this blog article, we’ve put together some autumnal inspired oilcloths, which we think are perfect to give your home a new lease of life ready for the new season ahead.

For a real taste of Autumn, we have three dedicated choices – Mulberry Tree Autumn Gloss OilclothAutumn Leaves Matt Oilcloth and Autumn Fruit Matt Oilcloth
Autumn Leaves Matt Oilcloth
Autumn Fruit Matt Oilcloth

For something a little different, the Phoebe Spice Matt Oilcloth, Dijon Chilli Matt Oilcloth and the Moorland Taupe Matt Oilcloth are all certain to create a fantastic new look for your kitchen or dining room.
Phoebe Spice Matt Oilcloth
Moorland Taupe Matt Oilcloth



Not sure which oilcloth is right for you

If you are struggling to decide which of our oilcloths is right for your home then why not take advantage of our free sample service? We will provide you with up to four free samples to help you choose your new oilcloth. Simply send us a note of your required samples and your postal details via our easy to use sample request form.

If you would like to keep up to date with all our latest products, news and offers then please pop over and like our Facebook page.

Until next time!